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[HOW TO] Serverfiles Setup (VM, Server)

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Hey Guys!

Welcome to our first tutorial about how to setup your server easy and quick.

First step is to understand what were actually doing so if you understand this tutorial you will be able to setup and install any kind of file released/published on the market. Basically for basic knowledge in programming we distinguish between Runtime Environment (RTE) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE). RTE is just everything what your need to execute and play the game server and client side, IDE is for example the server source or binary source code and their compiler setups. Lemme explain that further:

What do i need to run and play any Serverfile? -> Setup Runtime Environment(RTE):

Setup Server Part:

  • Virtual Box/VPS or Dedicated Server
  • Install FreeBSD version usually 13.2/14.0
  • Install MySQL Server usually 5.6,5.7 or mariadb
  • Install Python27
  • Install Ports: portsnap fetch extract
  • add all needed libs into their required directory: on 32 bit -> /usr/lib/ and on 64 bit -> /usr/lib32/
  • If mysql_server is not enabled yet you need to find file /etc/rc.conf, open it and add below the last entry:
  • mysql_enable="YES"
  • fsck_y_enable="YES"
  • background_fsck="NO"
  • /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf change like this: sql-mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION

Find Database Relevant Files:

  • mostly folder named mysql, it contains all table files
  • stop the mysql server and place the mysql folder into ../var/db/ and replace the old existing one with it
  • when replaced mysql can be started again

Find Server Relevant Starting Files and put them into ../usr/home/xx, you can find them in following locations:

  • MartySama: s3ll_server/main/...etc.
  • Owsap/others: 
  • /usr/game/ or /usr/home/ or /usr/home/game/
  • mostly there is a python starting file or setup file in the pathes given above like on martysama you first execute gen_settings.py after filling own ip and then you can already look for something like start.py or admin_panel.py. !!Open those files, check for the required pathes to execute them properly before!!

Setup Client Part:

  • Find the Client relevant parts, mostly a folder with exe inside and pack folder
  • look for the correct index pack key to unpack the files
  • index pack key can be found in IDE -> Client Source -> /EterPack/EterPack.cpp
  • look for: DWORD s_adwEterPackKey, if u want to know more about index pack key checkout our how to
  • edit the ip in serverinfo.py and pack root



What do i need to compile and develop the Serverfiles? -> Setup Development Environment (IDE)

  • Follows soon!
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